Introduction Scientific research is a variety of methods to help investigate ways to solve problems and find causes and effects of different information. Zmatana. K () brings forth the argument that for research to be classified as scientific it needs a set of guidelines, protocols and long established methods to gather documenting information 7 rows · Scientific Research and Essays | Citations: 96 | Read articles with impact on 30 rows · Scientific Research and Essays. Country. Nigeria Universities and research institutions in
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Aims and Scope. The Scientific Research and Essays SRE is a peer reviewed open access journal with the objective of publishing quality research articles in science, medicine, agriculture and engineering such as Nanotechnology, Climate Change and Global Warming, Air Pollution Management and Electronics etc.
Types of Articles. Manuscripts should be submitted online on the Academic Journals Manuscript Management System. Publication Ethics. The SRE requires authors to adhere to the ethical standards required of researchers and scientific writing. Inclusions of a person who do not meet authorship requirement as specified by the editorial policy or the exclusion of a person who meets the requirement is a violation of ethical requirements of the journal.
The Scientific Research and Essays considers plagiarism a serious offense. Submitted manuscripts should be the original works of the author s. The SRE will follow COPE guideline in suspected cases of plagiarism, scientific research and essays. The Merriam Webster Online dictionary defines plagiarizing as:. to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own. to use another's production without crediting the source. present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
The journal is committed to eliminating manuscripts with possible cases of plagiarism from its scientific research and essays and publication process, scientific research and essays. The journal uses the iThenticate plagiarism detection application to check each manuscript for possible cases scientific research and essays plagiarism.
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Authors should use only citations that are relevant to their manuscripts. Addition of references which are not relevant to the work is strongly discouraged. Peer Review Policy. The Scientific Research and Essays employs a rigorous peer review system. All submitted manuscripts undergo scientific research and essays double-blind peer review process before publication. Preparing Your Manuscript, scientific research and essays.
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References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. DOIs links to referenced articles should be stated wherever available. Names of journals should be presented in full and not abbreviated. Cerqueira HS, Rawet R, Pinto JC The influence of experimental errors during laboratory evaluation of FCC catalysts. Applied Catalysis A: General Larentis AL, Bentes Jr.
AMP, Resende NS, scientific research and essays, Salim VMM, Pinto JC Analysis of experimental errors scientific research and essays catalytic tests for production of synthesis gas. Mohammed BS, Azmi NJ, Abdullahi M Evaluation of rubbercrete based on ultrasonic pulse velocity and rebound hammer tests.
Construction and Building Materials Severo Jr. JB, Pinto JC, Ferraz HC, Alves TLM Analysis scientific research and essays experimental errors in bioprocesses. Production of lactobionic acid and sorbitol using the GFOR glucose-fructose oxidoreductase enzyme from permeabilized cells of Zymomonas mobilis.
Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Acceptance Certificate. Authors are issued an Acceptance Certificate for manuscripts that have been reviewed and accepted for publication by an editor. Articles in Press. Published manuscript will be removed from Articles in Press after publication. Payment of Manuscript Handling Fee. Once a manuscript has been accepted, the corresponding author will be invoiced to make the necessary payment of the manuscript handling fee.
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, time: 12:52Scientific Research and Essays - articles
Esophageal cancer is the sixth leading cause of death from malignancies in the world. Given its importance, it is a disease that needs further studies to deepen its understanding and epidemiological behavior. The aim of this work is to evaluate the epidemiological profile of EC in the ABC, Southeast and the national territory of Brazil between and This is an Introduction Scientific research is a variety of methods to help investigate ways to solve problems and find causes and effects of different information. Zmatana. K () brings forth the argument that for research to be classified as scientific it needs a set of guidelines, protocols and long established methods to gather documenting information The Scientific Research and Essays (SRE) is a peer reviewed open access journal with the objective of publishing quality research articles in science, medicine, agriculture and engineering such as Nanotechnology, Climate Change and Global Warming, Air
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