· Saving earth is not merely the need of the hour but much more. The extents of degradation caused by humans are becoming irreparable. This is one of the reasons why all the resources are getting highly polluted. The change in climate is also one of the examples that are Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins · Below we have provided the Save Earth Essay in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8. Earth is the most precious planet in our entire universe as it holds crucial things like oxygen and water for survival. We have even named Earth as Mother Nature as it is a provider of necessary resources for the continuation and blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins · Essay on Save Earth Words Earth is the only planet that supports the survival of living beings. There are many resources present on the earth that help various life forms continue to exist on it. Our life is not possible without the sun, water, plants and blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
Essay on Save Earth for Students in English [Easy Words]
Save earth is a slogan used to spread awareness among people about the importance of earth and why we should save our mother earth. Save earth slogan motivates people to save earth and its natural save earth essay to give our future generations a safe and healthy environment.
Earth is our planet and a most save earth essay need for the continuity of life. It is full of all the basic resources to continue a life however; it is getting declined continuously because of some unethical behavior of the human being. Saving earth is the save earth essay important social awareness which everyone must know about to bring some positive changes on the earth.
In order to spread awareness among students, teachers may assign them to write some paragraph or complete essay on save earth. Now-a-days, essay writing is one of the good strategies followed by teachers in the schools and colleges. It enhances the English writing skill and knowledge of the students about any topic. It is also an effective way save earth essay get views, ideas and positive suggestions about any topic by the students.
Following are some paragraphs, short essays and long essays on save earth to help students in completing their task. All the save earth essay are written very simply. So, you can select any essay according to your need and requirement:. As we all know that earth is the only known planet having life in this universe.
So we save earth essay respect and maintain everything we get from our mother earth. We should save the mother earth so that our future generations can live in a safe environment. We can save the earth by saving trees, natural vegetation, water, natural resources, electricity, etc.
We should strictly follow all the possible measures to control the environmental pollution and global warming. Everyone should plant more trees in the surrounding areas to curb the pollution and reduce the effects of global warming, save earth essay. Afforestation, reforestation, recycling of used paper and other natural products, saving of natural resources minerals, coal, stones, oil, etcelectricity, water and environment should be supported and promoted.
We do not have any other known planet beside earth in this universe where life is possible. It is the only known planet where the combination of most essential natural resources oxygen, save earth essay, water and gravity is found which makes the possibility of successful life here. We do not have time to think more about it and start saving earth seriously by following various effective measures in order to handover a healthy earth to our future generations.
People should plant more trees to get sufficient oxygen and curb the effect of air pollution and global warming. We should stop cutting down rain-forests to our life, atmosphere and homes of many different species. People should limit their use of electricity and use less fossil fuel to save the environment from global warming, save earth essay.
They should promote the use of solar lights and wind energy to save destroying earth. Following the 3R rule Reduce, Reuse, Recycle can be proved very effective in saving our precious earth, save earth essay. Earth is the most precious thing in this universe having oxygen and water, essential things for life. The natural resources found on earth are deteriorating day by day because of various wrong practices of human beings. It keeps life on earth in danger. Various forest animals have been extinct completely because of the lack of their favorable environment, save earth essay.
The rate of various types of pollution, global warming and other save earth essay issues is increasing day by day. It is very necessary to stop all the bad practices to reduce the negative effects of same. Earth day is celebrated every year on 22 nd of April to spread awareness among people all over the world.
Our earth takes nothing in return from us however it demands to maintain it for the continuity of health life on earth, save earth essay. We are not alone to live on the earth; save earth essay are various unknown living species that save earth essay on earth.
So, we should not be selfish and think about all the living species on the earth. We should save save earth essay earth and environment by reducing the amount of wastes, plastic, paper, woods, etc. we should make the habit of reuse and recycle things clothes, toys, save earth essay, furniture, books, papers, etc in order to generate less waste. We should stop all the bad practices involved in increasing the level of pollution and global warming.
The present condition of the earth has been very challenging for the healthy existence of life because of the toxic environment, air pollution, water pollution, global warming, deforestation, and many more environmental issues. There are numerous easy ways we can save our planet however, depends on the dedication and rate of good habit followers. It should be promoted the development of environment friendly technologies save earth essay that they could not harm the planet.
People should make the habit of reduction in usage of harmful things, re-usage and recycle of things in order to generate less amount of save earth essay. Generally, many people use variety of house cleansers in order to keep their houses clean and disinfected. They never see save earth essay chemical constituents of that particular cleanser which can be very destructive to the water, save earth essay, soil and air, save earth essay.
We should be very clear about what products we are using in daily life and always select eco-friendly cleansing products. Pollutions and global warming are generally being spread by the commercial industries to a great extent. They should follow the government rules and regulations made for controlling the save earth essay. They should limit their harmful commercial-grade production and involve in producing environment friendly products.
Awareness regarding save earth should be promoted among youths by including this topic to their study. They should be involved in the activities like planting, group discussion, essay writing, speech recitation, banner making, slogan writing competition, theme based drama play, etc in the school and college.
The event named as Earth Save earth essay is celebrated annually on 22 nd of April to spread awareness regarding save earth among public. Save earth essay is the only known planet in this universe where life is possible as it has basic necessities of life.
We need to maintain the natural quality of our mother earth in order to continue the healthy life here. Save earth save environment and save earth save life are the most famous slogans to increase awareness about save earth among people. There are various means the condition of our earth is getting declined day by day due to the pollution, save earth essay, greenhouse gases, etc.
It is generating the harmful impact on environment and thus health of people. It is the responsibility of human beings to keep earth safe, clean and natural. Earth Day is a global annual observance celebrated on 22 nd of April since to protect the environment and save earth.
Earth is our mother planet which gives us all the necessary things we need for living a life. So, we are also responsible to maintain its natural quality and greenery environment.
We should not waste and pollute its natural resources for our small benefits. Save earth and save environment both related to the safety of life on the earth. As save earth essay human being, save earth essay should strictly involve in the activities reducing pollution and global warming and save the earth.
There are various easy ways which can be helpful in saving the earth. Earth is the only known planet of the solar system having life. In the ancient time, save earth essay, people were not involved in any type of destructive work, so there was no any fear of pollution and other environmental issues.
After explosion in the population, people started developing cities and industries for the modern lifestyle and easy life for everyone. For industrialization man learned misusing the natural resources beyond the limit. People involved in deforestation which resulted in extinction of various wild animals, pollution, and global warming.
Due to the global warming the protective ozone layer got a hole, rise in sea level, melting of ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland, etc negative changes occurred. Such types of environmental changes are alarming sign to us.
Following are some ways regarding save earth:. There is urgent need to save our earth because of the continuous rising in global temperature, melting of polar ice caps, bleaching of coral reefs, and increasing risks of tsunami, floods and droughts. The condition of our mother earth is getting poor which is reducing the chances of healthy life. Earth is the most important source of all the basic elements required to keep us alive. Bad human activities have given rise to various environmental issues due to release of toxic fumes, chemical wastes and excessive noise.
Government has taken various effective steps regarding save earth, save earth essay, save life and save earth, save environment in order to continue the healthy life on the earth. Without earth, save earth essay, life is not possible anywhere in the universe. Human activities related to the destruction of natural resources of earth are impacting the earth environment very badly, save earth essay. So, it is our sole responsibility to save the earth by practicing Eco-friendly activities.
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, time: 5:22Save Earth Essay
· Essay on Save Earth Words Earth is the only planet that supports the survival of living beings. There are many resources present on the earth that help various life forms continue to exist on it. Our life is not possible without the sun, water, plants and blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins · Following are some easy and effective ways of saving earth: We should not waste water and use only according to the requirement. We should wash dirty clothes only and in the cold People should share private cars and generally use public transport in order to Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins · 10 Lines on Save Earth Essay in English We should start taking the issue of saving the Earth seriously because the planet needs our help. Over the centuries, humans have used the Earth’s resources carelessly and to their advantage. The result of using the planet so carelessly and harshly is Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
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