12/3/ · My biggest pet peeve is when I have to wait at the doctors office forever. Its so irritating and it happens every single time I go to the doctors without fail. I think its the doctors responsibility to make their clients as happy as possible, which includes having them 11/10/ · Essay on Favorite Pet Humans have made pets of animals for thousands of years. From something as common as a cat to something as exotic as a lion, history has shown that humans have kept such animals as pets. However, there is one animal that stands out above the rest Essay On Pet Peeves Words | 4 Pages Everyone has a pet peeve no matter how weird it can possibly be. Someone could have a pet peeve of dirty dishes or people who wear beanies
Description of My Biggest Pet Peeve: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer
Read essays samples written by our professional writers and feel free to use them as a source of inspiration and ideas for your own academic work. Have you ever been forced to repeat the same story all over again to get services that you rightly deserve? How about being pet peeve essay by a customer service to the next agent on phone call only to be asked the same questions? Or maybe, do you have that small brother or sister who will not follow your instructions until you repeat it severally?
Well, today I want to talk about one thing I detest most: having to repeat myself? You're lucky! Order Now. When it comes to my younger brother, I try to understand that maybe it is an issue with his age and that he will get better with time. But there are those adults who will ask you to repeat the same story severally. Recently, I had to forego some refund at the local shopping mall, pet peeve essay.
The reason; I felt that the customer care personnel responsible for rectifying my order were out to waste my time and make a fool of me. At first, I thought it was a small issue that could be rectified. I had a small conversation with the cashier, who confirmed the error and directed me to another counter for rectification and refund. At the second counter, I explained myself and produced the bill as a proof.
But this was not all. I still had to go to another counter, this time in the company of the cashier to explain my case to have the extra charge refunded. At this point, I just left the store with my inflated bill. I have also encountered similar problems with customer care agents on the phone where they tend to ask for some details, such as the customer ID number, several times. Then there are those sales agents who will not get satisfied with your initial response to declining an offer.
One question that comes to mind is, why I am required to give certain details or tell the same story multiple times? I know people may have issues with recalling details or retaining information, but why should that be my problem? Here is the issue. For many of us, being forced to repeat a story is a sign of being ineffective in your communication and pet peeve essay to the other party Hanesian, pet peeve essay, Feeling ineffective is a painful experience that can affect our resolve to pursue certain things in life.
I am fortunate that I only have to repeat instructions to one person at home my brotherpet peeve essay, but I cannot entirely avoid the nuisance because I have to interact with other people. Interacting with a business representative is one of the situations that I find difficult to avoid and that can easily make me feel powerless by the requirement to repeat the same story several times.
Worse still, there are those representatives who will request information without considering the personal concerns about it.
They start arguing and make demands that it is a procedural requirement to have such information collected.
I am not saying that people should not ask me for personal details, pet peeve essay, but I believe that there is a proper pet peeve essay of doing it especially when it involves a business representative, pet peeve essay. I do not have to feel powerless and ineffective when explaining my case to anyone. The person in need of such details has a responsibility to ensure that it is done in a respectable manner. If yes, you may need to make certain changes to keep your clients satisfied with the service.
According to Hykenrequiring other people to repeat themselves can be inconveniencing and time wasting. Customers may get angry when they are required to repeat the same story several times just to pet peeve essay their issues sorted, pet peeve essay.
Additionally, a lot of time and other resources are wasted in the process of collecting the same information several times. Personally, I feel that business representatives who force clients to repeat the same story are not qualified to perform their role. There are plenty of arrangements that can be made to streamline the flow of information across customer care agents so that the next agent does not have pet peeve essay ask the customer to explain themselves again.
At the core of any customer care program should be considerations on how to keep the clients satisfied and engaged Varshneya, It is very inconvenient to have a person repeat their story as it can only make them more frustrated.
Besides, pet peeve essay, it is a waste of time pet peeve essay business representatives to create procedures that make the client feel powerless in the pursuit of various services. It is important to appreciate that not everyone will be willing to provide personal details or make personal explanations for several people to get a problem sorted. I believe that it is the responsibility of the person concerned with handling information to come up with ways to record and save it for use as desired.
So, next time do not ask me to repeat the same story several times if you plan to maintain a meaningful relationship. The main aim of any healthcare database system should be to facilitate quality patient care. To that end, these systems should exploit advantages related to medical records, particularly up-to-date patient…. The United Nations Security Council has come to the determination that the current situation in Erehwon is untenable.
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Pet Peeve: Having To Repeat Myself Multiple Times Have you ever been forced to repeat the same story all over again to get services that you rightly deserve? Related Samples. Health Care Database Systems Pages: 4 page s. United Nations Security Council Pages: 3 page s. Elasticity and Its Application Pages: 3 page s. A Successful Fashion Campaign Pages: 3 page s.
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Pet Peeves - Storytime
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Pet Peeve Essay Essay Sample Have you ever walked out of a public place such as a store, doctor’s office, or even a restaurant directly into a huge cloud of smoke? Maybe even just sitting at the traffic light and a huge gust of cigarette smoke enters your window?Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Essay On Pet Peeves Words | 4 Pages Everyone has a pet peeve no matter how weird it can possibly be. Someone could have a pet peeve of dirty dishes or people who wear beanies 4/9/ · Pet Peeve Speech Essay Example A)If you talk while eating, and you are older than a toddler, people may think you are a bit of a pig so it is not a good blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
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