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Leisure time essay

Leisure time essay

leisure time essay

4/8/ · My best leisure time would be to hang out with my friends on the beach. I enjoy the cool breeze from the ocean and watching people having fun on the shore. A stroll on the sandy beach relaxes my mind. I also take the time to make calls to the friends who I cannot make to visit and check on them 30/5/ · Leisure time essay. Leisure time essay contains a lot of information about the importance of time in human life and the importance of using leisure time in useful things beneficial to the human. All of this information will be found here in leisure time blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins The Importance of Leisure Time *No Works Cited Leisure is defined as freedom from the demands of work or duty. Everybody needs leisure in their lives, to balance the stress of work and life. Leisure helps re-energize and relax people, so they can perform activities well in their lives. People use their free time (leisure time) in a variety of different ways; engaging in outdoor

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Leisure Time Essay — Introduction: Leisure is that sweetest of moments when a man has nothing specific to do. When he is his own master and can dispose of his spare time at his own suit will. Meaning of leisure: Leisure does not refer to idleness or laziness but it refers to relief or relaxes for a short period from the monotony of daily routine.

It is not a non-activity but it implies an activity which is meaningful, potential and enjoyable: It is for its own sake as it is a period of personal fulfillment and pleasure. It is, so to speak, freedom of monotony, boredom, and drudgery of life. The present time is a time of automation, better standard of living and longevity has further broadened and liberalized the real conception of leisure.

The strange and wonderful invention of science and technology has also reduced the hour of working and consequently man has now found a lot of time to enjoy leisure at his suit will. In fact, very few people are aware of making the proper utilization of leisure. Different people spend it in different ways, They have no leisure time essay sense or idea of it due to their ignorance, whim or uncared habit.

To many others, leisure is a time to make creative and aesthetic pursuit and inner fulfillment. The craze and leisure time essay of TV is increasing day by day. A great part of their time is spent not in manly thing but in viewing programs in the idle box. Such a craze and popularity of T. has created many socials, leisure time essay, psychological, physical, family, individual and mental problems. Source of enjoyment: Most men, therefore, find a life strenuous business.

This is the tragedy of life, work and worry— both are equally unavoidable yet both are equally tiresome. The continuity of this chain has to be broken now and then to enable man to recover his freshness, leisure time essay take leisure time essay off on a holiday. Leisure breaks upon the monotony of existence with a touch of variety.

This is, therefore, always a source of joy whenever it comes. Life on earth is not an easy affair these days. The mere task of keeping the body and soul together strains resources to the utmost limit. To live well one has to be incessantly toiling, just to earn the extra bit of money. Hence the problem of having a workfree period is difficult to solve. The best way to do it is to have a socialistic society where work is a rationed in term of social needs.

In absence of work, no leisure can truly be conceived. Leisure is a kind of diversion which pre-supposes work and labor. Rest is much sweeter than honey and money after exertion and exhaustion. Totem Our life: Our life is now more free and leisurely than our forefathers, leisure time essay. Now people have found out to spend their leisure time.

There are interesting serials, spicy films scientific music, leisure time essay, dances, shows, plays various types of information weather forecasts, different types of interviews, analysis of events, happenings and Incidents and many other things at twenty-four hours of the day. There are many sources of channels to choose from. Necessity: Man is under the necessity of leisure.

After a tiresome work a period of leisure makes a man fresh, energetic, and stimulates him to finish the unfinished work. One can spend leisure i n taking snacks at a restaurant, tea, cofee and other edible things At leisure one can engage oneself in meditation and religious practice. The great men all over the world in the past and even at present spent and now spend their respective leisures in meditation in pursuit of knowledge, constructive ideas, benevolence for the well-being of mankind.

The happiest man is, of course, he whose work is leisure, who finds a perpetual joy in the work he has to perform. To such a man work is never a soul killing drudgery.

Conclusion: Man cannot continue to work for all day long, He needs rest, race and leisure, leisure time essay, for regaining energy, stimulation, and concentration for the next works. This is my personal Blog. I love to play with Web. Blogging, Web design, Learning, leisure time essay, traveling and helping others are my passion.

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leisure time essay

28/12/ · Leisure Time Essay – Introduction: Leisure is that sweetest of moments when a man has nothing specific to do. When he is his own master and can dispose of his spare time at his own suit will. Meaning of leisure: Leisure does not refer to idleness or laziness but it refers to relief or relaxes for a short period from the monotony of daily blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Leisure means the free time that we have after the day’s hard labour. It means the time for rest and recreation after our routine professional work is over. Life is worthless if we have work cares and anxieties only and no time to stand and stare i.e. to look at the beautiful objects of Nature. Most of the work that we do is dull and tiresome 15/12/ · Essay, Pages 4 ( words) Views. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. we spend almost all our time working and studying. The least amount of time is taken to do some free activities, in other words it is the free time or leisure. The free activities which not only make you feel happy and relaxed but also get you out of the streets, such

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