13/8/ · Most student’s complaints about school uniforms are that they look like everybody else and have no freedom to express themselves with school uniforms. Many parents believe that if their children have uniforms it will keep them focused on school and no their clothing. Also, they believe it may deter crime and gang violence/5(29) 15/2/ · School uniforms restrict expression for kids which can make them look down on themselves. Which can lead to early depression and soon to suicide. Another problem with school uniforms is some families can’t afford school uniforms. A mother of two could spend up to a minimum of $ per school year.5/5(47) Against School Uniforms Argument Essay Argument Against School Uniforms. School uniform is what makes it easy! A set of clothing that is mainly worn, school Arguments against the Use of School Uniforms. Uniforms School uniforms in England were first introduced during the Persuasive Essay
Against School Uniforms in The Class Room - Free Essay Example | blogger.com
Michelle Kouzmine is a stay-at-home mother to two very fashionable and demanding young girls. She spends her time raising her family, freelance writing and shopping. School uniforms—some love them and some hate them. There seems to be a big rift between school essays against school uniforms supporters and those against school uniforms, essays against school uniforms.
So what's the deal? Let's look at some of the reasons those who oppose wearing a school uniform say it isn't a good idea. The most common argument against school uniforms is that they limit personal expression.
Kids and teens use they way they dress to express themselves and to identify with certain social groups. Many students who are against school uniforms argue that they lose their self-identity when they lose their right to express themselves through fashion.
The courts have even weighed in on this. Based on the First Amendment to the U. Constitution, the U. Supreme Court ruled in that "it can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in that "compelled conformity to conventional standards of appearance" does not "seem a justifiable part of the educational process.
It can be costly to buy school uniforms. Some schools specify a certain manufacturer or store to ensure uniformity, making it harder to find competitive pricing.
So unlike in a school where uniforms are not required, parents have little control over how much they must spend on their children's clothing. Other schools may require a variety of uniforms, some for daily wear, more formal uniforms for special occasions, and yet another outfit for gym class. Kids are very specific about what they are comfortable wearing.
Some kids are sensitive to certain materials while others are opposed to buttons, zippers, and restrictive clothing. Some children are also uncomfortable wearing certain styles of clothing. Many girls, for example, do not like to wear skirts or dresses, which most girls' uniforms require. No uniform can suit all children, and there is little that can be done about this if it is an issue for your child. In an era where diversity is on the rise and schools and society are attempting to teach tolerance and positive awareness of differences, requiring schoolchildren to wear uniforms emphasizes sameness and conformity, essays against school uniforms.
It encourages tribalism and the idea that having independent thought is not a good thing. It sends the message that being the same is positive and something to be striven for, the right way for the world to be, rather than a message that differences and essays against school uniforms thought and action should be valued. Additionally, it can cause an issue for children and teens who have essays against school uniforms about their gender identification.
It forces them to conform to gender stereotypes in their dress; most uniforms consist of skirts for girls and pants for boys. Essays against school uniforms example, if a girl feels she might be more comfortable in boyish outfits, she is blocked from making that choice if she is in a school that requires uniforms where she is forced to wear skirts. This choice could go mostly unnoticed in a school where uniforms were not required, and she could feel more comfortable in her dress choices.
The website ProCon, essays against school uniforms. org reports that Essays against school uniforms Silverman, a child and teenager development specialist, told NBC News' "Today" show: "As a body image expert, I hear from students all the time that they feel it wearing uniforms allows for a lot of comparison.
What this means is if you are not required to wear a uniform, you are free to choose clothing styles that are more flattering to your particular body type and coloring, which allows you to look your best. And straight-up comparisons are not as obvious as they are when everyone has on exactly the same clothing. Teenage girls and boys are especially sensitive about body essays against school uniforms, and feelings of insecurity in this area can have lasting effects.
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Write an Essay on School Uniform in English -- Essay writing -- Paragraph Writing
, time: 3:33Debate Against School Uniforms Free Essay Example
2/9/ · Students who are against school uniforms think that they prevent students from expressing themselves and inhibits creativity. A lot of students, don’t wear complete uniforms because uniforms can be viewed as a violation of their rights, while others benefit from uniforms because it relieves the stress of picking what to wear to blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins 29/7/ · Identification is one of the biggest factors ruled in against school uniforms. Many people state that you could easily site outsiders of the school, and it would also eliminate gang colors. If you have a school full of children with the same clothing on you would find it nearly impossible to identify a child who was causing blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins 15/2/ · School uniforms restrict expression for kids which can make them look down on themselves. Which can lead to early depression and soon to suicide. Another problem with school uniforms is some families can’t afford school uniforms. A mother of two could spend up to a minimum of $ per school year.5/5(47)
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