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Essay on customer satisfaction

Essay on customer satisfaction

essay on customer satisfaction

 · Customer expectation and satisfaction Essay Example. For the customer service of an organization to be good, it needs to have good and reliable employees. The report analyses the experience that happened at A-saloon, a hair saloon with details about the customer and the pre-consumption stage, consumption stage and post-consumption stage. Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins  · Customer satisfaction is one of the many factors that affect the performance of companies. If a business does not satisfy the customers, then the market is likely to run as the customers will not be retained due to dissatisfaction. A business that puts customer satisfaction at the front is expected to attract and retain customers, and this translates to increased blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Customer satisfaction and service quality both are very important for every business. Customer satisfaction are playing an important role in any business because it helps to find out strengths and weaknesses of the business. “Customer satisfaction is identified as the distinction between assumed quality of service and the customer’s involvement

Customer Satisfaction Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on

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My Essay Services is an experienced service with over 9 years experience in research writing and over 83, essays over the years. You will receive a plagiarism check certificate that confirms originality for any essay you order with My Essay Services. Customer satisfaction is important in any company as all businesses depend entirely on their customers.

It is the customers that are responsible for the growth of companies and therefore, they should always take center essay on customer satisfaction in any company. Customer satisfaction is related to profit because satisfied customers often become repeat customers.

They shop regularly or use the services that the company provides more frequently. When this happens they are hooked to the product or service and they become loyal customers. Therefore, essay on customer satisfaction, the concept of customer satisfaction, profit and loyalty is important to any company that wants to succeed, essay on customer satisfaction.

For essay on customer satisfaction reason, there is a need to ensure that essay on customer satisfaction a company invests in these three essay on customer satisfaction items through its marketing and design departments. This paper will describe the concepts of customer satisfaction, profit and loyalty and the relationships that exist between them. Customer satisfaction, profit, and loyalty.

The holistic market philosophy is important as it helps giving them a better chance of outperforming competition. It has been determined that indeed the cornerstone of a well-conceived marketing orientation creates strong customer relationships.

For the business, getting the customers is hard. Keeping them, on the other hand, is the most challenging part of the business. Therefore, for this reason, essay on customer satisfaction is a need for persons to put real energy and effort into the maintenance of a consistent customer base.

Customers have become conscious and wanted the best in terms of quality and fair price. Companies, on the other hand, have strategized on new and different ways in which they can indeed ensure that they can maintain customers.

This paper is going to explore these three important areas in the current marketing matrix. Customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction can be described as a measure of how products and services that are supplied by a company meet or even surpass the customer expectation. Customer satisfaction in the 21st century is often seen as a key performance indicator within business and it is often a part of a balanced Scorecard.

In fact, it is of importance to note essay on customer satisfaction within the organization, customer satisfaction rating can often have very powerful effects. If customer satisfaction decreases then there could be problems relating to sales as well as profitability. Customer satisfaction is extremely important as it often provides marketers as well as business owners with a metric which the can use to manage as well as improve their businesses.

In fact, asking customers to rate their satisfaction can be described as a good way to see whether the consumers will be repeat customer or even advocates for the brand. If the performance of the product falls below the expectation, then the customer can be described as being dissatisfied. However, if the performance matches of expectations, then the customer can be said to be satisfied, if it exceeds the expectations, the customer, the customer is highly delighted and satisfied.

It is of importance to note that customer essay on customer satisfaction of products performance often depends on many different factors and especially the type of loyalty relationship the customer possesses with the brand.

Companies should understand that if they raise their expectations too high, then the buyer is more likely to be disappointed. However, essay on customer satisfaction, on the same instance, if a company sets expectations too low, then it might not be able to attract enough buyers. It is importance to understand that in the 21st century most successful companies are raising expectations and delivering performances to match these expectations, essay on customer satisfaction.

However, it is of importance to understand that high customer satisfaction should not be the ultimate goal. If the company gets customer content by lowering its services, or even increasing its services, then the results may be lower profits Vincent, The organization might be able to enhance its profitability by means other essay on customer satisfaction increased customer satisfaction.

For example, the improvement of manufacturing processes might bring about profits. Satisfaction often depends on the product and service quality.

Quality can be described as the totality of features as well as characteristics of product or service which bears its ability to satisfy stated as well as implied needs. Studies have often shown a essay on customer satisfaction correlation between product quality and company profitability. This is of the essence in order to ensure that the company can meet the satisfaction levels. Ultimately marketing can be described as the art of being able to attract and keep profitable customers.

However, it is of the essence to understand that each and every firm often loses some of its money to its customers Grigoroudis, There are some cases where this distribution might be essay on customer satisfaction. The implication of this is that a firm can be able to effectively improve its profits by in turn firing its worst customers. In fact, essay on customer satisfaction, the largest customers do not always yield the most profit because these customers can demand considerable services and often receives the deepest discounts Grigoroudis, The midsize customers who receive good services and this pay nearly full price and these persons are often the most profitable.

These are often the persons that are the most profitable in the company and the fact; it is the work of the marketing department to target them in order to increase the profitability of the company. Consistency can be described as extremely important in marketing. Consistency is especially powerful when the retail channels are proliferating, and the consumer choice, as well as empowerment, are effectively increasing. However, it is important to understand that consistency often requires the attention of top leadership.

This is because by essay on customer satisfaction several channels and triggering more interactions with companies as they seek discrete needs, customers are often more likely to create clusters of interactions which make individual interactions less important as compared to the general cumulative experience.

The marketing department should look at the customer journey that can often span from all elements of a company and in fact include everything from buying the product to using the product. In fact, in the market it is often understood that companies should continually work in a bid to provide customers with a superior services with essay on customer satisfaction are of the business being given clear rules, policies as well as supporting mechanisms that effectively ensures consistencies during each interaction, essay on customer satisfaction.

However, it is of the essence to understand that there are only a few companies that can be able to deliver consistently across the whole customer journey. The fact in the market is that consistency is in many cases the most predictor of the overall customer experience and loyalty, essay on customer satisfaction.

It is only through this way that the customers can be satisfied with the products and consequently be loyal to the company and its products. Therefore, there is a huge relationship that exists between profitable customers and customer satisfaction.

Customer profitability. Although many firms often measure customer satisfaction, there are very little that measure the individual customer profitability.

It often strikes marketers as being strange that companies still do not know which of their customers they should be able to focus essay on customer satisfaction. Acquiring the right customers can be described as an essential in a company and it maintains the health essay on customer satisfaction the business.

Acquiring profitable customers often requires one to have an accurate understanding of the different needs, and to target them using the right and preferred channels. In order to get the right customers, the leadership needs to understand that customers are essentially different and, therefore, they should be well understood both from an internal, as well as the external perspective.

In order for a company to understand how to capture the market share instead of losing it, it should always carry out a profitability analysis based on the current customers Neil, The first thing in a bid to ensure profitability of the customer is to protect the current customer base, and there are very few external factors that often drive the attrition.

However, there is a need to address the factors that the client can be able to control. There is a need to improve the on boarding and customer service in a bid to increase the satisfaction rates. It is important to note that if the value of a customer is known, then one can essay on customer satisfaction able to know effectively how to keep as well as grow them. This value is important as it enables the company to effectively know the strengths of their customers and where as a company they can be able to improve Ginn, essay on customer satisfaction, Too many companies often suffer from high customer churn and defection.

In order to effectively reduce this churn which equals to loss of profit, the firm should define and measure the retention of the company and distinguish the different the causes of customer attrition as well as identify those that can be easily managed Best, If by any chance the cost to discourage the defection is essay on customer satisfaction than the lost profit, the firm should be able to spend in a bid to retain the customer.

Companies are now studying a profitability of their customers, and they are recognizing the benefits of satisfying and retaining the current customers, essay on customer satisfaction. The acquisition of new customer can often cost more than five times the cost of satisfying and retaining current customers. Further, it is important to note that the customer profit rate often tends to increase over the life of a retained customer, and this is because to increased purchases, price premiums, reduced servicing costs and referrals.

A company should understand these different fundamentals in order to move forward and make more profits from essay on customer satisfaction existing consumers. Marketing should always take on the role of an information manager in the business. This is important essay on customer satisfaction in regards to the profits that the company can be able to get.

It is the information an organization holds as well as its application that often enables differentiation to be achieved in the company leading to greater customer profits. In fact, it is imperative to understand that there are some organization that have taken the role of getting information from the consumers as their core competencies Pearson, In fact, armed with the view of profitability on a customer to customer basis, and the different needs of the customer, any organization can be able to position itself in a way that it can start to understand the customer base in terms of profitability.

In-depth customer profitability information often enables one to focus on an individual customer identification. In fact, the opportunity to design products as well as services that appeal to the individual and it becomes possible when individual profitability of a person is coupled with the different behavioral propensities. A different range of customer values and can often be calculated, essay on customer satisfaction, and it is in many cases to feed a range of different customer action models.

If a company wants to design new products and services, essay on customer satisfaction, a good place to start from its customer profitability Cook, It is important to understand that the complexity that comes with making of these opportunities a reality is often reduced as technology in the 21st century has taken over the burden of analysis and administration.

Marketing should therefore, not be about only making the sales but also the securing of a volume for future revenues from customers that are described by the company as having a long-term tenure as well as high propensity to purchase services and products.

Once the company has had information about the relative customer profitability, it can be able to shift in the managing retention as well as the acquisition as a means of creating a stable stream of profit for the company Cook, Therefore, individual customer profitability that is coupled with several range of propensity models can be said to form the foundation by which an organization can design and supply new services in to the market in a bid to increase customer satisfaction.

In this modern world, companies essay on customer satisfaction always try and learn different ways in which they can increase the profit of the company. They should not retain customers that are loyal, but not profitable. This is because the most important thing in business is profit, and this is the reason as to why the business was founded in the first place. Customer loyalty, essay on customer satisfaction.

Customer loyalty can be described as both an attitudinal as well as a behavioral tendency to favor one brand over others, essay on customer satisfaction. This is often due to various factors such as the satisfaction with the product, the convenience of the product or even the familiarity with the brand, essay on customer satisfaction.

Customer loyalty often encourages the customers to shop in a more consistent way, spend a great share of money and consequently feel positive about the shopping experience.

Measuring Customer Satisfaction as a Service Based Business

, time: 6:26


essay on customer satisfaction

 · Customer expectation and satisfaction Essay Example. For the customer service of an organization to be good, it needs to have good and reliable employees. The report analyses the experience that happened at A-saloon, a hair saloon with details about the customer and the pre-consumption stage, consumption stage and post-consumption stage. Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Customer satisfaction is a key and valued outcome of good marketing practice. According to Drucker (), the principle purpose of a business is to create satisfied customers Customer satisfaction is a business term which measure that how products and services supplied by a company or business organisation meet or fulfil customer expectations. Customer satisfaction is believed a very important and

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