The Great State of California Essay Go Back To California Essay. Throughout this main idea, California is a number one largest history in the United State The Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck. The Great Depression sparked an economical and social malfunction in United Exploration Of Health Essay About California: analysis The reader is intrigued from the start by Starr’s introduction to his subject. Skillfully, Starr presents a vast range of statistical information without lessening the impact of his initial inquiry, which goes to the general national fascination with California itself Sep 17, · The University of California includes nine undergraduate universities, and is one of the most prestigious public school systems in the U.S. The UC schools have their own application system, and students must respond to four of eight personal insight questions in words each. All the essays go to each UC school you apply to, so it’s important that these responses accurately represent your Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
3 Great University of California Essay Examples
This essay was written by one of our professional writers. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work.
Need a custom essay written for you? In essay about California is reasonable to expect that a lengthy volume devoted to the history of one state would be at least partially lacking in genuine interest. If the state is covered in any expansive way, as such length would suggest, it is likely that the reader must then be inundated with large amounts of information and history that can only be called dry. Climate, geography, shifting populations, and commerce are, in plain terms, not typically exciting reading.
Then, california essay, there is the matter of author bias; when the focus is completely on a single state, it is to be expected as well that some degree of admiration will infuse the work and reduce both its credibility and appeal. From its first appearances in Spanish fiction to the booms of the Silicon Valley, california essay, Starr provides an extraordinary amount of fact regarding the title subject.
Nor does Starr ever veer from a balanced point of view, and his only admiration expresses the rational appreciation for the uniqueness of California, california essay. The work reads, in fact, like an exceptionally well-crafted biography, and this is no minor accomplishment.
As the following will reveal through analysis of California: A History, Kevin Starr presents a rare example of a non-fiction study: a detailed and rich examination of a state that makes for compelling reading. Skillfully, Starr presents a vast range of statistical information without lessening the impact of his initial inquiry, which goes to the general national fascination with California itself. The sentence quoted is important in another way; it perfectly captures how the author combines fact, as in his previous presenting of population data, with a broader viewpoint.
The introduction then briefly touches upon the many unique facets of the state itself, from its geographical position — which is itself a source of not commonly known information — to its status california essay simultaneously idealized and harshly criticized as a land of false promise, california essay.
The introduction is deceptive, however. Moreover, the author deftly makes this shift through the historical error made by the Spanish incalifornia essay, who assumed they had landed on an island.
The facts are many, but they are consistently offered in ways adding interest. For example, Starr does not merely report on the length of the California coast and assume this alone will have impact; he adds that this 1,mile stretch is a relatively modern development, as plate movements created in succession a number of bays by steadily transferring one land mass from the south to the north 7. The dangers of the tectonic formations are offered beside appreciative and factual remarks on the wide varieties of mountain ranges and coastal plains created by them.
It also follows that this unique environment has california essay unusual species of animal life, and in greater numbers than seen elsewhere. Finally, california essay, the author devotes attention to the vast array of Native peoples who long settled throughout the land, and developed varied and sophisticated cultures long before Europeans ever set sail for California. It is a remarkable first chapter, simultaneously rich in detail california essay fact, california essay, and maintaining a broader perspective.
Would you like an essay written for you from scratch? What emerges is a striking dichotomy; early explorers to the region, and most notably Cortes, encountered immense hardships in moving west from Mexico and seeking to establish settlements, and the efforts continued because the Spanish firmly california essay in the mythic tales of California as being rich in gold and gems.
From the midth century on, then, California would become a critical object in the ongoing struggles for dominance between the great European powers. Starr reports on all of the surrounding factors involved, from the ambitions of these powers to access the Far East to persistent beliefs in vast gold reserves within the land.
What emerges most strongly, however, are two distinct elements: the gradual and massive displacement and exploitation of Native populations, and the pivotal importance of California in terms of geographical position and temperate conditions. As observed in the Introduction, it seems that a quality of legend has always been attached to the state, and Starr is careful to let this consistent reality largely speak for itself.
At the same time, Starr comprehends that no single factor, california essay, such as the advent of the railroads or the Gold Rush, existed independently from the range of other influences and circumstances. Certain enterprising Mexicans envisioned a different use of the land, california essay, however, and the age of the land grant gathered force, essentially creating in California a variation on the American South.
ByEngland, France, and the U. has large forces in the Pacific and were uniformly focusing on claiming California It is nonetheless a segment of the history more challenging to follow than any other, a reality virtually inevitable given the now global interest california essay the territory. The simplicity of the trajectory is, in a word, fascinating. A Captain John Sutter, committed to establishing california essay town which would become Sacramento, california essay, commissioned the help of a New Jersey carpenter, James Marshall.
Inspecting a mill site at the river in earlyMarshall discovered nuggets of what appeared to be gold. These nuggets were tested by him, his wife, and his Mormon helpers, and the identification of them as gold generated a response unlike anything yet seen in the nation, california essay.
The gamble was risky in more than one way; one in 12 adventurers would die in the pursuit Nonetheless, california essay, the identity of California as a land of unparalleled opportunity was forged. As Starr insightfully notes, the myths once prompting the Spaniards were very much still in place, and now translated into a global frenzy for gold. Then, and going to the inherently exponential development of the state, the Gold Rush was responsible for the vast commercial entities springing up to facilitate travel and accommodations.
At the same time, there is a narrative course that consistently sustains interest. There is in fact no portion of the book in which Starr does not succeed in presenting fact with underlying meaning, and adding weight and perspective to the focus on the state itself.
For example, the impact of the Depression on the nation alters when California is considered. As an agricultural, industrial, and entertainment region, variety lessened the effects On another, the actual issues created by the Depression helped California to consolidate and develop its infrastructure, in terms of new and united efforts to create assistance programs Here, california essay, as elsewhere, the unique shaping of the state is made more evident through the expanded perspective.
In plain terms, and by the s, california essay, the remarkably temperate climate combined with real estate as california essay affordable to promote the state as the mecca of industrial movie production This, and in a manner echoing the frenzy of the Gold Rush, once again generated a massive migration to the state, which in turn fostered the industries necessary to sustain california essay exploding populations.
Nor does Starr ignore more modern elements of California. There is a considerable examination of how and why the universities of the s became the centers for student uprisings and social activism that california essay sweep the nation, which in turn is linked to the remarkably rapid development of California from an agricultural base to a more urban environment.
It is suggested, and with reason, that the state provides a microcosm of American social evolution, and in a particularly accelerated way, california essay. The rise of the great California cities such as Los Angeles came quickly, and generations of Americans, only recently migrated, were suddenly faced with urban issues, which in turn were fueled by the extraordinary range of cultures coming together in the cities As California today celebrates and seeks to preserve its natural environment and legacies, california essay, this same ideology attracts the innovators california essay technology.
Nonetheless, california essay, it must be reiterated that Starr never sacrifices rational assessment for admiration. His reporting on the state is consistently tempered by appreciation, not awe or undue regard, and appreciation for the unique history and place he documents. His tone is completely based on authority and confidence, yet it always engages the reader through what must be called an elegant and appealing style.
This style is very much in keeping with, california essay, or reliant upon, california essay, the sense of perspective always in place. Arguably, fewer ambitions in non-fiction writing are more challenging than that of documenting the entire history of a single state. Massive amounts of information are inevitably required, and this alone may easily present work that is accurate but of minimal interest, california essay. Kevin Starr remarkably meets these challenges.
He offers an extraordinary amount of california essay, yet he does so in a way generating great interest and sustaining narrative flow. Stuck with your essay? Get in touch with one of our experts for instant help! We have california essay special gift for you! To check it out, just leave your email. No strings attached! Rewards Frenzy Extra Rewards and Free Report. Get your Valentine Get a Free quote! Hire writer. Introduction In california essay about California is reasonable to expect that a lengthy volume devoted to the history of one state would be at least partially lacking in genuine interest.
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Guide to the 2020-21 University of California Essays - CEA
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California has many beautiful sceneries from beautiful beaches, looking down from the top of a mountain down at the city lights at night meaning going to the beach the beach i s always a place where it is nice, has good weather, and where people could go play, lay down in the sand, going into the water, they can especially walk at the boardwalk and could see different stand of painting, performing, singing, they Sep 17, · The University of California includes nine undergraduate universities, and is one of the most prestigious public school systems in the U.S. The UC schools have their own application system, and students must respond to four of eight personal insight questions in words each. All the essays go to each UC school you apply to, so it’s important that these responses accurately represent your Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins California Dreams. Words | 4 Pages. story written by Rawls. To the weather of California, the reality of the gold rush, and the population growth of California, Both stories compliment each other as they both accurately describe the lifestyle of California in the ’s and beyond
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